I’m Not African American … I’m Black

What does it mean to be African American? This is a question that is quietly resurfacing in Black discourse, due to the fact that many of our people are rejecting the term as a means of identification. While African American still manages to be socially accepted, it seems many privately take issue with the term.

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Greg FordeComment
Susan B Anthony Doesn't Deserve ‘I Voted’ Stickers | Op-Ed | NowThis

It has become tradition for people to put 'I Voted' stickers on Susan B. Anthony's grave on election day in Rochester, New York. NowThis producer Luria Freeman argues that women's suffrage icon Anthony does not deserve your 'I Voted' stickers because of her well documented history of racial bias. While she had abolitionist roots, Anthony and her colleagues did not want to give Black people the right to vote.

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Greg FordeComment
Divided island: How Haiti and the DR became two worlds

Haiti and the Dominican Republic share a border, and an island. But the two countries are very different today: the Dominican Republic enjoys higher quality of life for many factors than Haiti. I went to this island and visited both countries, to try and understand when and how their paths diverged. And I began to learn how those differences are playing out in the present.

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Greg FordeComment
Mexicans Didn't Immigrate To America -- We've Always Been Here

In the early 1800s … the US craved a passage to the Pacific Ocean -- and by extension, the shipping routes to Asia. But Mexico inconveniently stood in the way. So the US invaded. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the two-year Mexican-American War in 1848 and ceded present-day Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming to the United States."

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Greg FordeComment