What I Saw Was “Unfathomable”: Doctor Who Worked in Gaza Speaks Out Against U.S. Arming of Israel

A group of American doctors who treated patients in Gaza held a press conference in Chicago on 8/20/24 to describe the suffering they saw among Palestinians injured & killed in Israel’s ongoing assault. Taking place during the Democratic National Convention, it was organized by the Uncommitted National Movement, which is pressuring Democrats to end blanket U.S. support for Israel. Dr. Ahmed Yousaf, who returned from Gaza just weeks earlier said, “When we got to the hospital, everything I saw on TikTok and Instagram and all the television, all the stuff that we had in alternative media … it was 100 times worse than I could have ever imagined.”

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Greg FordeComment
Greenpeace USA Wins Free Speech Battle Against Canadian Logging Giant’s $100M SLAPP Lawsuit

A judge has dismissed a seven-year $100 million lawsuit against Greenpeace USA. Canadian logging giant Resolute Forest Products sued Greenpeace for defamation, part of a pattern of corporations attempting to use the legal process, known as SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) lawsuits to intimidate, exhaust & censor activists. Deepa Padmanabha, deputy general counsel for Greenpeace USA, discusses the organization’s legal victory.

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Greg FordeComment
How 1919 Elaine Massacre Influenced Richard Wright, Acclaimed Author of "Black Boy" & "Native Son"

This weekend marked the 103rd anniversary of the 1919 Elaine massacre, one of the deadliest episodes of racial violence in U.S. history. On September 30, 1919, guards stopped two white men from breaking into a meeting between Black sharecroppers in Elaine, Arkansas, who were organizing to demand fair payments for their crops. After an exchange of gunfire, a white man was killed. White mobs, backed by the U.S. military, responded, indiscriminately killing hundreds of Black people under the false claim of stopping a Black insurrection. Much of the Black farmers' land was stolen as a result.

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Greg FordeComment
American Skin - Panel Discussion

Writer/Director & Actor Nate Parker joins Activist Valerie Castile, the Alliance for Safe Traffic Stops and other relevant contributors for a riveting panel discussion moderated by The Platform Talk’s Greg Forde, regarding Nate’s film 'American Skin. The panelists convene to discuss issues covered in the movie and how society in general and black people in particular can solve the continuing problem of racialized policing in America.

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Greg FordeComment
No Bail & Mexican Getaways: How the Feds Are Going Lenient On the Insurrectionists As Trump's Second Impeachment Trial Begins

Charged with five offenses, Texas resident Jenny Cudd has been given permission to go on a getaway to Cancun, Mexico. ." She bragged on Facebook, "I fucking charged the Capitol today with patriots." Trump-appointed U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden approved her request to travel. He said "there was no evidence she was a flight risk or posed a danger to others."

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Greg FordeComment