Juan González: The Media Has It Wrong. Record Latinx Turnout Helped Biden. White Voters Failed Dems

Democracy Now! co-host says “a false narrative” is taking root that Latinx voters were primarily to blame for the weak Democratic result. “… people of color, especially Latinos, flocked to the polls in numbers that far exceeded what the experts had expected, while the total number of votes cast by white Americans barely increased from the last presidential election,” says González. “How come none of the experts are asking why white voters underperformed the Democratic Party?”

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Greg FordeComment
Elizabeth Warren's Super PAC Megadonor Revealed To Be Hillary Clinton Volunteer!

Karla Jurvetson, a wealthy doctor in California, donated an eye-popping $14.6 million to Persist PAC, a group that sought to revive Warren’s faltering campaign in February. Jurvetson is a prominent donor among Democratic circles. Warren … spent much of her campaign denouncing super PACs and eschewing a tradition big dollar donor network. However … Warren declined to disavow Persist PAC’s support.

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Greg FordeComment
Bloomberg Aides Cut Loose Despite Yearlong Employment Promise

Bloomberg aides told POLITICO they participated in termination calls with the campaign on Monday. Some complained after the calls that they were originally told they would be paid by Bloomberg though the November general election regardless of whether he remained in the race. Most staffers will receive their last paycheck on March 31, sources said.

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Greg FordeComment