“Stop Arming Israel”: Meet the DNC Delegates Who Unfurled Banner During Biden Speech

On the first night of the DNC, protesters briefly unfurled a banner that read “Stop Arming Israel,” before it was wrested away by convention staff. Three members of the group Delegates Against Genocide, Esam Boraey, a human rights activist & delegate from Connecticut; Florida DNC member Nadia Ahmad; and progressive Jewish activist Liano Sharon, an elected delegate from Michigan, said, “He’s the one who can stop this genocide by picking up the phone and making a phone call, and he has chosen not to do that.”

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Greg FordeComment
The Platform Talk Podcast: A Conversation w/ Journalist, Scholar & Peace Activist KJ Noh

The discussion today is with KJ Noh. He and I discuss the geopolitical history and economic success of the world's most populace nation. In addition to that, Noh articulates why U.S. political figures continue to describe China as " ... a threat ...", and how the subsequent implications of the U.S. government's propaganda campaign against China are likely a prelude to war. Finally, he provides insight and analysis concerning the how's and why's of U.S. military maneuvering strategically & tactically in the South China (Indo-Pacific) sea.

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Greg FordeComment
The Platform Talk: Geopolitical Analyst & Author Scott Ritter

Former Marine Intelligence Office & former Chief UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter discusses the current crisis in Ukraine. He articulates many critical facts tragically omitted from mainstream media coverage as well as providing historical background and context for the decisions being made by the U.S., Russia, NATO and the European Union. In addition, he also provides insight into current U.S. provocations with China and Iran.
A definite must listen!

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Greg FordeComment
Peter Beinart: The Israel Lobby Is Spending Millions to Defeat Progressive Democrats

Pro-Israel lobby groups have spent "shocking" amounts of money to change the course of multiple Democratic congressional primaries over the past year alone. The latest is in Maryland, where Donna Edwards is being outspent sevenfold by corporate attorney Glenn Ivey in her bid to win back her old seat in the state's 4th Congressional District. Peter Beinart, the editor-at-large of Jewish Currents, says the AIPAC-led PACs disguise their attack ads with local issues but in reality are designed to oust candidates who take stances in support of Palestinian rights and working people.

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Greg FordeComment
What Democrats Must Now Do

The biggest lesson from Tuesday’s election results is that too many people in America’s vast working middle class don’t believe Democrats are on their side. The best way of persuading them otherwise is to enact the social and economic package and infrastructure bill — and pay for it by taxing ultra-wealthy Americans who have never been wealthier yet don’t pay their fair share.

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Greg FordeComment
CDC Eviction Ban Ended by Supreme Court: 4 Questions About Its Impact Answered by A Housing Law Expert

The Supreme Court on Aug. 26, 2021, ended the Biden administration’s ban on evictions, putting millions at risk of losing their homes. The ruling …said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention exceeded its authority in continuing a moratorium on evictions after Congress failed to pass new legislation … Legal scholar Katy Ramsey Mason [explains] what the ruling means …

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Greg FordeComment