Prosecutors Request Arrest Warrant For Kyle Rittenhouse After He Allegedly Violates Bond

Rittenhouse, 18, allegedly violated the conditions of his bond by failing to notify the court of his changed address, which inhibits the ability to monitor his whereabouts … Rittenhouse did not post the bond for his release himself, [and] has maintained a careless attitude about his situation and has little incentive to comply with his bond conditions.


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Greg FordeComment
Lawmakers ‘perturbed’ when House Sergeant-at-Arms told them at least none of them died in Capitol attack: report

… Acting House sergeant at arms Timothy P. Blodgett … touted the fact that 'every Member and House staff went home w/out death or serious injury,' [because of] the performance of both his office and the Capitol Police,". "Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.), said … that no dead or maimed lawmakers was 'a pretty low bar,' adding, 'I firmly believe that is due to the courage of Capitol Police officers and blind luck.'"

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Greg FordeComment
Let the Loathsome Lies Begin (Again)

Sanders launched her run for governor Monday with a curdled, grievance-packed, fear-mongering, culture-war stoking, seven-minute-46-second video vowing to "defend your right to be free of socialism and tyranny," and warning, "With the radical left now in control of Washington, your governor is your last line of defense,"

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Greg FordeComment