The 1920 massacre in Ocoee, Florida, involved whites lynching, castrating, and removing hundreds of blacks from their land in retaliation for them trying to exercise their right to vote.
In general, whites favor class-based, “colorblind” policies for college admissions. This allows them to minimize difficult discussions about how the history of racial exclusion and continuing discrimination in the United States influences inequality today.
Read MoreIn addition to appearing on Megan Kelly’s show, Roland provides a deeper dive and analysis along with a panel discussion on the topic.
Read MoreA day after Megyn Kelly sparked a major controversy with her comments about blackface costumes, Roland Martin and Amy Holmes, co-host of PBS's "In Principle" spoke with the NBC talk show host about her remarks.
Read MoreThe Rise Above Movement, or R.A.M., is … an extreme hate group that grew out of California’s skinhead subculture, R.A.M. calls for the extermination of Jews and other “anti-white” enemies, not to mention the overthrow of the U.S. government.
Read MoreHere are 6 globally recognised personalities that left the USA to thrive in Europe and escape racism.
Read MoreThe Queen of Kingston in Jamaica or Cubah Cornwallis, is lost in history due to the improper documentation that makes it hard to follow or believe in her existence. Cubah Cornwallis’s real name was Akua from the Ashanti Empire in Ghana which was then the Gold Coast.
Read MoreJack Daniels has come clean about an important part of it’s own white-washed history admitting that Jack was taught to make Bourbon by an enslaved black man.
Read MoreSaudi Arabia’s [has a] long history of targeting dissidents. Just weeks before the ban was lifted on women driving in Saudi Arabia, the Saudi government arrested several of the country’s most prominent feminist activists, including women who had been campaigning for decades for the right to drive.
Read MoreWith tears streaming down his cheeks, a 9-year-old black child spoke out at a community meeting in New York about being wrongly accused of grabbing a white woman's backside in a corner store.
Read MoreThe 9-year-old boy at the center of a viral video … said he’s struggling to move forward ever since a woman falsely accused him of sexual assault … pushing him into a national conversation about racial profiling and excessive 911 calls made against African-Americans.
Read MoreBell began butting heads with the Germans in 1910 when the latter formulated a plan to displace the Duala people from the Wouri River to establish a European-only settlement.
Read MoreSince the deadly rally in Charlottesville, Va., it has become clear to many Americans that the specter of Nazism in their country is not resigned to 1930s history. But … even that part of the story was less well known than it is today.
Read MoreIn his book “How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them,” Yale professor Jason Stanley warns about the dangers of normalizing fascist politics … “What normalization does is transform the morally extraordinary into the ordinary. It makes us able to tolerate what was once intolerable ...”
Read MoreThe Hate U Give is an emotionally intense ride, never once letting up … It feels like a holistic portrait of a transformative experience in the character’s life, and, by extension, the many people with similar experiences she represents.
Read MoreEnslaved Africans were brought hundreds of years ago to Veracruz, Mexico. Because cultural fusion has long been a means of survival, African, indigenous and Spanish traditions were mashed up … Out of that mashup, a musical style was created called son jarocho. In traditional versions of "La Bamba," the instruments in son jarocho get played in a rhythm that is undeniably Afro-Carribbean.
Read MoreEmmanuel Macron …. has decided to recognize an important event: the torture and execution of Maurice Audin, a young French Communist, by the French Army during the Battle of Algiers in 1957.
Read MoreIf an art museum today were to open a group exhibition that featured, without comment, the work of an avowedly racist and anti-Semitic contemporary artist, all hell would break loose.
Read More“As a Black woman, I couldn’t expect honest answers from White advocates for Silent Sam. So I pretended to be a White woman.”
Read MoreBritain had been shipping convicts to America for decades before they started sending them to Australia. In fact, it was precisely because of America’s fight for independence that the Brits had to start sending their criminals to Australia. But from 1718 until 1775, convict transportation to the American colonies flourished.
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