President Trump’s Legacy Of Corruption, Four Years & 3,700 Conflicts Of Interest Later

Trump ran as the “law and order” candidate who would “drain the swamp” in Washington, D.C. Instead he did the opposite … Trump provided corporate lobbyists, foreign actors, special interests and anyone else seeking political clout a way to gain access to his administration. Trump opened the presidency up for business, and for four years, influence was for sale.

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Greg FordeComment
DeSantis Gave Son Of Billionaire Trump Buddy Millions In No-Bid COVID Contracts

… The company was chosen without the competitive solicitation process that state law normally requires for such large contracts. Both no-bid COVID contracts are listed in the state’s contract database as among Florida’s numerous “emergency purchases” per an emergency executive order from Republican DeSantis that allows state agencies to suspend normal purchasing regulations.

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Greg FordeComment