Ivanka Trump Has Been Grifting Her Way Through Her Father’s Presidency. But It’s Hunter Biden We Want to Investigate?

According to published reports, the couple made at least $36 million in outside income in 2019 alone, all while working … as government employees. (The average salary of a Trump administration staffer is about $183,000 a year.) This month, Ivanka sat for a five-hour deposition with the Washington, D.C., attorney general’s office as part of an ongoing investigation into spending by the Trump Inaugural Committee. One issue is whether …Ivanka, gouged the Inaugural Committee by substantially overcharging them for the use of the Trump hotel in Washington.

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Greg FordeComment
Trump ‘Reached Out’ To ‘thank’ Wayne County Canvassers Before They Tried To Block Votes Agai

Reporting revealed that the two Republican election canvassers in Wayne County, Michigan who tried to block certification of Detroit ballots and relented, then tried to take back their decision to certify the votes … in the interim between them changing their mind and trying to take back Detroit certification, outgoing President Donald Trump “reached out” to the canvassers, Monica Palmer and William Hartmann, and thanked them for their “support.”

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Greg FordeComment
How Trump Gets Away Without Paying Taxes

So why hasn't Donald Trump been brought to justice? After all, everyday radio and television commercials tell us of the power the IRS has to garnish our wages, seize our bank accounts and even take our homes. Surely brazen tax cheats live in fear of arrest and losing their mansions, jets and yachts, right?

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Greg FordeComment