Stephen Miller And White Nationalism

Several congressional Democrats are demanding that Stephen Miller resign. Miller, of course, is one of the president's top advisers on immigration. Here's what's going on. The Southern Poverty Law Center says it got a hold of hundreds of Miller's leaked emails. Miller had sent them to a former journalist at Breitbart, and in them, he talks about white nationalist ideas.

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Greg FordeComment
The Intercept: Joe Biden Pushed Ronald Reagan To Ramp Up Incarceration — Not The Other Way Around

The politics of race relations have been a central part of Biden’s career, from his high-profile opposition to busing to his authoring of the 1994 Biden Crime Bill. When he talks about his criminal justice record on the campaign trail, he argues today that the focus on the ’94 bill is unfair … but a closer look at his role reveals that it was Biden who was among the principal and earliest movers of the policy agenda that would become the war on drugs and mass incarceration, and he did so in the face of initial reluctance from none other than President Ronald Reagan.

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Greg FordeComment
NC House Republicans Ram Through Veto Override with Democrats Absent During 9/11 Memorials

Republican lawmakers in North Carolina voted Wednesday to override Governor Roy Cooper’s veto of the state budget, in a surprise vote that was rammed through with barely half of state representatives present. Democrats say they were tricked by their Republican colleagues, who promised there would be no votes during Wednesday morning’s session of North Carolina’s House of Representatives in order to allow lawmakers to attend 9/11 memorial services. As the vote was called, one of the few remaining Democrats on the floor, state Representative Deb Butler, led a protest.

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Greg FordeComment
Will U.S. & Iran Resume Talks After John “Bomb Iran” Bolton Is Ousted as National Security Adviser?

President Trump has ousted John Bolton, who has long been a fierce critic of diplomacy. He had strongly pushed for Trump to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal. He also opposed negotiations with North Korea … and he was a key supporter of the attempted U.S.-backed coup in Venezuela and an advocate of regime change in Cuba and Nicaragua. PLEASE WATCH THE INFORMATIVE COMMENTARY AND DISCUSSION!

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Greg FordeComment
Another Flint? Newark, NJ, Faces Public Health Crisis over Lead Contamination in City’s Water Supply

Thousands of residents in Newark, New Jersey, remain unable to drink their tap water in an enduring public health nightmare. Lead contamination has plagued the city for years, but lead levels have spiked even higher in 2019. The crisis recently came to a head following revelations that water filters distributed to residents may not have been effective. New Jersey’s political leaders are facing mounting criticism for their handling of the water crisis. Advocates say the city downplayed the severity of the problem for years and has been slow on solutions, comparing Newark’s water crisis to Flint, Michigan.

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Greg FordeComment