The Secret History of Guns

The Ku Klux Klan, Ronald Reagan, and, for most of its history, the NRA all worked to control guns. The Founding Fathers? They required gun ownership—and regulated it. And no group has more fiercely advocated the right to bear loaded weapons in public than the Black Panthers—the true pioneers of the modern pro-gun movement.

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Greg FordeComment
UW Professor Got It Right On Trump. So Why Is He Being Ignored?

Ask Google, “who predicted Trump winning the election?” and you get 19.3 million results. Most are about professors with oddball prediction systems, or the rare pollster who got it right, or the liberal filmmaker Michael Moore … One name that doesn’t come up [is] Christopher Parker. “Nobody in the media has called me up and said ‘you were right,’ ” says Parker, a political-science professor at the University of Washington for the past 11 years. Parker has his suspicions about why he’s been overlooked …

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Greg FordeComment