Trump's Border Troops Have Nothing To Do ...

They’re part of the more than 5,000 troops Donald Trump deployed to the US-Mexico border ahead of the midterm elections, at an estimated cost of $200 million ... except here, there’s no enemy to fight, and … the migrant caravan they're supposed to be responding to is weeks away and headed to Tijuana, 1,500 miles to the West.

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Greg FordeComment
Pentagon Documents Confirm Trump Is Using Migrant Caravan As Political Tool

Documents released by the Pentagon confirm that the migrant caravan traveling through Central America poses no threat to the United States, and they go as far as to say that its unlikely any of them will even reach this country … This proves that Trump is using our soldiers and the caravan as political tools to help Republicans in the midterms, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

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