Blowback: How Torture Leads to Terror

Does torture lead to terror? Has the decadeslong abuse of political prisoners across the Muslim-majority world — not to mention in CIA black sites, U.S. detention facilities in Iraq, and the prison camp at Guantánamo Bay — fueled radicalization and extremism?

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Greg FordeComment
Ex-Senate Aide: Kavanaugh Should Be Impeached for Lying Under Oath About Stolen Democratic Memos

Brett Kavanaugh is facing accusations of perjury … Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy has suggested Kavanaugh lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee during his 2004 and 2006 hearings to become a federal judge. During those hearings Kavanaugh denied seeing files that detailed strategies for opposing Republican judicial nominees while he was associate counsel in the George W. Bush White House. Lisa Graves, former top aide to Senator Patrick Leahy, [has a] piece for Slate is: “I Wrote Some of the Stolen Memos That Brett Kavanaugh Lied to the Senate About.”

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Greg FordeComment