Air Pollution Crisis Exposes More Environmental Racism In Illinois

In 2016 … the EPA found that the air pollutant ethylene oxide, or EtO, was more dangerous than previously thought. The clear gas was ALREADY known to cause tumors of the brain, lung, breast, uterus, and lymph system as well as neurological effects, respiratory effects, and numbness of the extremities. But the report changed EtO’s classification from probable human carcinogen to officially “carcinogenic to humans” and found that cancer risk from EtO exposure was 30 TIMES WORSE THAN PREVIOUS ESTIMATES..

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Greg FordeComment

Today, the strange story of a small group of islands that raise a big question: is it inevitable that even our most sacred natural landscapes will eventually get swallowed up by humans? And just how far are we willing to go to stop that from happening?

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Greg FordeComment
TED Radio Hour: Finite

In a world with limited resources, can we find ways to salvage what's disappearing? Can we innovate our way out of a finite landscape? This hour, TED speakers explore ideas about living with less.

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Greg FordeComment
Silencing Science

The Trump administration has downplayed the science of climate change and sought to silence scientists working for the federal government. Reveal’s Elizabeth Shogren details the pressures one researcher faced as she worked on a project for the National Park Service.

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Greg FordeComment